Archive for the ‘Android’ Category

How to inspect an Android app SQLite databases

Posted on: October 30th, 2020 by Olu No Comments

Hi folks,

In this post I talk about how to view an Android app’s SQLite database. You may need to do this for debugging purpose if develoing and Android app that stores data.

You can do this using Android Studio.

Go to View -> Tool Windows -> Device File Explorer.

In the Device File Explorer pane, navigate to dat/data/<your.app.package.name>/databases.

In here you should see three files for your database: one for the database, one for the -shm file and another for the -wal file. So if your database is called somedb in code, you would see files somedb-db, somedb-db-shm, somedb-db-wal. Cmd+click on all three files.

Then right-click and click Save As.

Select where to save them on your computer.

Once saved, you can open the main database on your computer using your favourite SQLite browser e.g. DB Browser for SQLite.

That’s all for now.

Happy software development.



How to resolve error ‘The item you were attempting to purchase could not be found’ when testing subscriptions using Google Play Billing library

Posted on: October 14th, 2020 by Olu No Comments

Hi foliks,

Here I share a simple solution to a issue found when testing subscriptions with Google Play Billing library:

The error message was as follows:

The item you were attempting to purchase could not be found.

The root cause is that that the test user had not been authorized to test the app.


Make sure you send the opt-in url to test users and that the users opt in to it.