Archive for April, 2019

New Release: Incredible Brick Breaker 3.0.0 for iOS

Posted on: April 16th, 2019 by Olu No Comments

Hi folks,

We’re pleased to announce a new release for Incredible Brick Breaker. This is Incredible Brick Breaker 3.0.0 for iOS.

Just like the Android version, Incredible Brick Breaker 3.0.0 brings a number of new features to the game, including fireball goodie, self-shooting gun, inventory, Gold coins and a Gold shop. See our Android announcement at http://blog.yinkos.com/2019/04/new-release-for-incredible-brick-breaker-android-3-0-0/.

As always, we like to know what you think about the game. Feel free to contact us. And if you haven’t yet installed the game, get it from App Store or Google Play.

New Release for Incredible Brick Breaker – Android 3.0.0

Posted on: April 11th, 2019 by Olu No Comments

Hi folks,

We’re pleased to announce a new release for Incredible Brick Breaker. This is Incredible Brick Breaker 3.0.0 for Android.

Incredible Brick Breaker 3.0.0 brings a number of new features to the game.

There is now a new fireball goodie which changes your ball into a fireball for a few seconds, destroying bricks without deflection.

The ammo goodie has been redesigned as well.

The shooting mechanics has been updated to make the game more fast-paced. Now, once a player collects an ammo goodie, a gun appears automatically over the paddle and shoots for a few seconds. This means the shoot button is no longer required and has therefore been removed.

There are also now Gold coins in the game. Gold coins are the game currency and can be picked up by breaking bricks. You can use gold coins to buy goodies like fireball and ammo.

In the main menu, there is a button to display number of gold coins the user has and allow access to the Gold shop.

There is also now a user inventory feature which you can use to store some goodies you purchase.

To access the inventory, take your hand off the screen during game play. The game slows down and the inventory overlay appears over the screen.

The inventory comprises your goodies (fireball and ammo) and the quantity of each you have.

The Gold Shop has been added, which allows you to buy Gold coins in various quantites.

Music within game has been removed as there are now more sound effects.

As always, we like to know what you think about the game. Feel free to contact us. And if you haven’t yet installed the game, get it from App Store or Google Play.